Division of Agricultural Engineering

Farm Machinery Testing Centre

Govt of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

(Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare)


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Message of Head

The demand of food grains for ever increasing population necessitates, inter alia, increasing the productivity and cropping intensity.  Farm Mechanization, on the strength of timely and precise field operations, assumes the central stage in this expedition. In this herculean task of increasing the Farm Mechanization, Farm Machinery Testing Centre, New Delhi has been playing a significant role since its inception.  The hands-on testing being offered by this testing centre  aims at  promoting the judicious use of various Agricultural  inputs,  the testing of machinery as per Indian/International Test Codes, on  the other hand, contributes substantially in identifying trust-worthy Machinery.


I also appeal to Manufacturers/Designers of Agricultural Implements, Research Organizations, State Agricultural Universities, State Agro Industries etc. to reap as much advantage as possible from the Testing facilities available at the centre.

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Head (AE) Dr. P. K. Sahoo'